Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Invisible Fence

For my own protection, Mom has decided to install an invisible fence. These are some pictures of my training. It annoys me that they don't feel that telling me "stay on the property or get a shock" is sufficient.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Hanging at the Bark Park II

That's Blueberry on the left.
A meeting of canine minds. Charlie is the canine next to me.

Hanging at the Bark Park

I made some new friends the other day. Here are some pictures of me hanging out with them.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Back At Work III

Caught daydreaming. Generally I'd rather be outside but Mom's office is cool and comfortable. If it only had a swimming pool...

Back At Work II

Work is tiring so I pulled a Constanza and napped under Mom's desk.

Back At Work

A sad truth is that vacations end and so I am back at work. Mom had me read the New York Law Journal to see if there was any new caselaw we needed to be concerned about. I found one case and pointed it out to Mom but I will spare you the boring details....

I'm Back

And I figured I would get things started with some pictures of me.